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How to run a FreeBSD Virtual Machine on the RPI4 with QEMU. Part 2: Network, Install from cdrom, startup

10 minute read

rpi4 with disk

In my last blog post, we set up a FreeBSD virtual machine with QEMU. I switched from the EDK2 (UEFI) firmware to U-boot, the EDK2 firmware had issues with multiple CPU’s in the virtual machines.

In this blog post, we’ll continue with the Network setup, install the virtual machine from a CDROM image and how to start the virtual machine during the PI start-up.


How to run a FreeBSD Virtual Machine on the RPI4 with QEMU. Part 1: QEMU setup

2 minute read


I got a Raspberry PI 4 a couple of months back and started it use it to run virtual machines.

This works great for GNU/Linux distributions but FreeBSD as a virtual machine didn’t work for me. When I tried to install FreeBSD or import a virtual machine image, FreeBSD wasn’t able to mount the root filesystem and ended with an “error 19”.

On the FreeBSD wiki, there are a few articles on how to use ARM64 FreeBSD with QEMU directly.

You find my journey of getting a FreeBSD Virtual Machine below.

I use Manjaro on my Raspberry PI, but the same setup will work with other GNU/Linux distributions.


OpenVAS on Kali GNU/Linux Part 1: How to install OpenVAS

6 minute read


OpenVAS is an opensource security scanner it started as a fork of Nessus which went from an opensource project to a closed source scanner.

I always prefer opensource software, for security tools, I even prefer it more… It nice to see/audit where the security data comes from, instead of the “magic” that is used by the close source software.

To scan for missing patches on your systems there are faster/better tools available that can be integrated into your build pipeline more easily. But OpenVAS is still a very nice network security scanner. Relying on one security tool is also not a “best security practice”.

Kali GNU/Linux has become the default Linux distribution for security auditing pen testing, it’s nice to have OpenVAS installed on your Kali GNU/Linux setup. If you just want to have OpenVAS available there is also a (virtual) appliance available from the OpenVAS developers ( Greenbone ).

You’ll find my journey to install OpenVAS on Kali GNU/Linux.


Best wishes 2021!

less than 1 minute read


$ sudo -i
# find / -name "*covid*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
# find / -name "*corona*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
# pkill -9 covid19
# pkill -9 corona
# reboot

Have fun!