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Run google chrome inside a fedora docker container over ssh

less than 1 minute read

Update (Mon Jun 8 2015): Running google-chrome inside a docker container isn't stable for me. I switched back to LXC to run google-chrome which seems to be more stable.

Created a docker image to start a docker container with chrome. Destroying the container each time that you start a browser is a easy way to get rid of your cookies and browser history.


lxc templates in Fedora 20

9 minute read

I’m a big fan of containers and used them a lot on Solaris and jails on Freebsd. Containers/jails are the fastest way to spinup an new system and the easiest way to isolate services.

As always with virtualization you’ve to careful with sharing systems or containers that doesn’t below to the same customer or service on the same physical machine since you’re never sure which traces are left behind in the memory etc.

Linux containers are getting more popular since the release of docker

When I tried to create a few containers on Fedora 20, the first attempt (a debian container) wasn’t an success.

On a newly create debian container networking didn’t work.