Run google chrome inside a fedora docker container over ssh

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Update (Mon Jun 8 2015): Running google-chrome inside a docker container isn't stable for me. I switched back to LXC to run google-chrome which seems to be more stable.

Created a docker image to start a docker container with chrome. Destroying the container each time that you start a browser is a easy way to get rid of your cookies and browser history.

Run google chrome inside a fedora docker container over ssh

Installation instructions

1/ Clone the git repo

$ git clone

2/ Copy your public ssh to

$ cd docker-fedora-chrome-ssh
$ cp ~/.ssh/ .

3/ Build the docker image

$ docker build -t stafwag/docker-fedora-chrome-ssh .

4/ Update your ssh config

$ vi ~/.ssh/config
Host mychrome
          User      chrome
          Port      8022
          StrictHostKeyChecking no
          ForwardX11 yes

5/ Start chrome

$ ./

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