How to run a FreeBSD Virtual Machine on the RPI4 with QEMU. Part 1: QEMU setup

2 minute read


I got a Raspberry PI 4 a couple of months back and started it use it to run virtual machines.

This works great for GNU/Linux distributions but FreeBSD as a virtual machine didn’t work for me. When I tried to install FreeBSD or import a virtual machine image, FreeBSD wasn’t able to mount the root filesystem and ended with an “error 19”.

On the FreeBSD wiki, there are a few articles on how to use ARM64 FreeBSD with QEMU directly.

You find my journey of getting a FreeBSD Virtual Machine below.

I use Manjaro on my Raspberry PI, but the same setup will work with other GNU/Linux distributions.

Import VM image

Download the VM image

FreeBSD cloud images are available at for the aarch64 (ARM64) and x86 ( AMD64, i386) architectures.

Download the latest VM image of FreeBSD you’d like to use.


To be able to boot the image we need a firmware image (BIOS), there two options EDK (UEFI) or u-boot. The QEMU source comes with UEFI firmware images, for some reason Arch Linux doesn’t include them in the standard QEMU package. The edk2-avmf AUR package provides the required firmware to virtual systems on ARM64.


Boot the virtual machine with UEFI

As a test, I booted the release candidate of the upcoming FreeBSD 13 release. This worked fine with a single CPU.

$ qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -m 4096M -cpu host,pmu=off --enable-kvm \
 	-nographic -bios /usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd \
 	-hda  /home/staf/Downloads/freebsd/FreeBSD-13.0-RC2-arm64-aarch64.qcow2 \
        -boot order=c


When I tried to enable more than 1 CPU with -smp 2 or -smp cores=2,sockets=1 the system hangs during the startup…

qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -m 4096M -cpu host,pmu=off --enable-kvm -smp cores=2,sockets=1 \
        -nographic -bios /usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd \
        -hda  /home/staf/Downloads/freebsd/FreeBSD-13.0-RC2-arm64-aarch64.qcow2 \
        -boot order=d

I want to use more than 1 CPU core for my FreeBSD virtual system to run FreeBSD jails.

U-boot to the rescue

The other firmware that we can use is U-boot, U-boot is a common used BIOS on ARM64 by a lot of single-board computers…

I didn’t find a U-boot package for Manjaro/ArchLinux for QEMU.

Compile u-boot

Clone the git repo.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'u-boot'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 767065, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (767065/767065), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (117586/117586), done.
remote: Total 767065 (delta 639963), reused 766651 (delta 639562), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (767065/767065), 150.47 MiB | 1.94 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (639963/639963), done.
Updating files: 100% (17747/17747), done.

Goto into the u-boot directory.

$ cd u-boot/
[staf@minerva u-boot]$ 

Configure u-boot for QEMU on ARM64.

$ make qemu_arm64_defconfig
# configuration written to .config
[staf@minerva u-boot]$ 


$ make
scripts/kconfig/conf  --syncconfig Kconfig
  UPD     include/config.h
  CFG     u-boot.cfg
  GEN     include/
  GEN     include/
  CC      examples/standalone/hello_world.o
  CC      examples/standalone/stubs.o
  LD      examples/standalone/libstubs.o
  LD      examples/standalone/hello_world
  OBJCOPY examples/standalone/hello_world.srec
  OBJCOPY examples/standalone/hello_world.bin
  LD      u-boot
  OBJCOPY u-boot.srec
  OBJCOPY u-boot-nodtb.bin
  RELOC   u-boot-nodtb.bin
  COPY    u-boot.bin
  SYM     u-boot.sym
  CFGCHK  u-boot.cfg

Copy the u-boot.bin to /usr/local.

Create /usr/local/u-boot.

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/u-boot

Copy u-boot.bin to /usr/local/u-boot/.

$ ls -l /usr/local/u-boot/
total 732
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 749072 Mar 14 14:43 u-boot.bin

Boot FreeBSD with U-boot

FreeBSD boot fine now with 2 CPU’s.

qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -m 4096M -cpu host,pmu=off --enable-kvm \
        -smp 2 -nographic -bios /usr/local/u-boot/u-boot.bin \
        -hda /home/staf/Downloads/freebsd/FreeBSD-13.0-RC2-arm64-aarch64.qcow2

In an upcoming blog post, I’ll go over the network setup and how to install FreeBSD from CDROM image.

Have fun!


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