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Install Arch on an encrypted btrfs partition

13 minute read


I’m preparing to move my workstation to arch linux Before I’ll install it on my physical workstation I did the installation on a virtual machine. I’ll use btrfs as the filesystem during the installation. btrfs is a nice filesystem but it had some serious dataloss issue with RAID5/RAID6 recently.

btrfs might not stable enough for a production environment but it has some nice features like snapshots, send/recieve, compression etc. I use zfs for my important date anyway.


Thunderbird: Importing s/mime certificate failed

3 minute read


On you get a list of free s/mime certificate.

I ordered a free 30 days certificate at globalsign:

The import of the pkcs12 failed in Thunderbird with the message: “The PKCS #12 operation failed for unknown reasons.”

Searching the internet didn’t provide a solution. To debug this issue I started to extract the private / certificate from the pkcs12 file provided by globalsign and creating a new one.

To execute this command I use an encrypted luks volume.

Create a new pkcs12 file


Lookat 1.4.4 released

less than 1 minute read

Lookat 1.4.4 is the latest stable release of Lookat/Bekijk the userfriendly file browser/viewer.