Build a 3-node Kubernetes cluster home lab in minutes: The movie.
I use the lightweight Kubernetes K3s on a 3-node Raspberry Pi 4 cluster.
And created a few ansible to provision the virtual machines with cloud image with cloud-init and deploy k3s on it.
I updated the roles below to be compatible with the latest Debian release: Debian 12 bookworm.
I created a movie to demonstrate how you can setup a kubernetes homelab in few minutes.
The latest version 1.1.0 is available at:
Have fun!
cloud_localds 2.1.2
stafwag.cloud_localds 2.1.2 is available at:
- Generate netconfig when network config template is used
- bugfix: Generate network config when network_config_template is used
- Generate network config when network_config_template is used
- Align on double quote style
- docs/examples added
- bugfix: Generate network config when network_config_template is used
virt_install_vm 1.1.0
stafwag.virt_install_vm 1.1.0 is available at:
Debian GNU/Linux 12 templates
- Debian GNU/Linux cloud-init v2 templates added
- Use sudo group in the Debian 12 template
- use the sudo group in the Debian 12 templates; this is more inline how Debian systems are configured.
- docs/examples added
- Documentation updated
delegated_vm_install 2.0.0
stafwag.delegated_vm_install 2.0.0 is available at:
Debian GNU/Linux 12 template Latest
- Introduced templates/vms//path
- mv Debian 11 template to templates/vms/debian/11
- Created Debian 12 vm template
- Set default to Debian 12
- Documentation updated
- This release might break existing playbooks; bumped version to 2.0.0
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