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Ansible role: delegated_vm_install 1.1.0 released

4 minute read


I use KVM and cloud-init to provision virtual machines on my home network. I migrated all my services to Raspberry PIs running GNU/Linux and FreeBSD to save power.

I first wanted to use terraform, but the libvirt terraform provider wasn’t compatible with arm64 (at least at that time).

So I started to create a few ansible roles to provision the virtual machines.

delegated_vm_install is a wrapper around these roles to provision the virtual machine in a delegated way. It allows you to specify the Linux/libvirt KVM host as part of the virtual machine definition.


delegated_vm_install 1.1.0

  • update_ssh_known_hosts directive added
    • update_ssh_known_hosts directive added to allow to update the ssh host key after the virtual machine is installed.
    • Documentation updated
    • Debug code added

Have fun!


Create a custom ArchLinux boot image with linux-lts and OpenZFS support

2 minute read


I use ArchLinux on my desktop workstation. For the root filesystem, I use btrfs with luks disk encryption and wrote a blog post about it.

My important data is on OpenZFS.

I’ll migrate my desktop to ArchLinux with OpenZFS in RAIDZ configuration as the root filesystem.

To make installation easier I decide to create a custom ArchLinux boot image with linux-lts and OpenZFS support.

You’ll find my journey to create the boot iso below. All action are execute on a ArchLinux host system (already using OpenZFS)


Ansible role: delegated_vm_install 1.0.0 released

3 minute read


I use KVM and cloud-init to provision virtual machines on my home network and wrote a few articles about it.

on my blog on how to use cloud images with cloud-init on a “non-cloud” environment.

I created an Ansible role: ansible-role-virt_install_vm for it.

This role works great, but I wanted to have the possibility to provision the virtual machine in a delegated way.

For this reason I create the ansible role delegated_vm_install.

Delegated_vm_install 1.0.0 is available at:

Have fun!